Dress for the dream job you want.



Dress for the dream job you want.

The other day I interviewed an Executive who showed up in our Zoom call appearing as if he would have just stepped out of bed.

Much has been said about remote & hybrid work and some argue that it is acceptable to work from home in your pajamas, jumper, etc.

And it is not far-fetched to assume that we might all were tempted to at least try it out once.

Only to figure out, that clothes do impact how we feel, speak and act.

So, for who do you dress up in the morning?

This fundamental question receives the same answer:
You do it for yourself, first and foremost.

To make you feel good, to set the tone right for the day, no matter where you work.

When we interview candidates via zoom, we treat it just like a one-on-one meeting.

The first impression remains and anchors in the subconscious, therefore we suggest investing those extra 10 minutes in the morning in YOU, which proves to be worth every second.

The key to the success is to feel good about yourself, this is how you create well-being in the first place.